Any of you ever watched 'First Dates' with supercool Fred the Maitre'd and Merlin the suave barman?
No, I'm not planning on going on...I'm not sure Mrs Rivs would be overly pleased about that...actually we'll come back to this in a bit.
Anyway, Merlin the barman had a bowel resection around a month before I did and we had a chat about it on Twitter at the time and then I spent a lot of time in hospital. Now here we are nearly six months later and we've had another little chat 'cos Merlin's having his stoma reversal op as we speak and I reckon that's the universe telling me to get myself ready for hospital food again...
To be honest I'm looking forward to it as, while I am just getting on with it and I've adapted to my 'new normal', I don't like it that much. It can be a bit sore at times and I've had to tape the bags round the sides with micro-porous tape as they have a habit of peeling off and leaking. I've also started to get a bit despondent about how I look now as well which isn't really like me (for no other reason than I just feel it's ungrateful 'cos I'm still here and should be happy with that) so I'm not chuffed about being a miserable sod either.
That said, I really don't want my reversal op until March now...because, whisper it...Newcastle United could well be in the Carabao Cup Final on 26th Feb, we've got the best chance of winning the first trophy in my entire fifty-two years that we've had for decades, I've got a ticket for the semi-final and, as a season ticket holder, I've got a chance of a ticket for the final! Let's just say that if we do get there and I do get a ticket only for my op to be scheduled just before then that would be a kick in the bollocks of immense proportions. Â
I'll still go ahead with the op but fucking hell, I'll be in one about it!
Much as I'm looking forward to being 'sans stoma' I'm still very much trying to enjoy my life with it. Been to gigs, football matches and got my walking boots very muddy - all of which was unthinkable last June when I couldn't see me getting past the end of the week. Just this last weekend we walked from Robin Hoods Bay to Whitby...and then back again. Thirteen and a bit miles of glorious views, loads of nature and a vast amount of fresh, straight off the North Sea, air. Mint.Â
Mind you, on the Sunday night when I managed to spill the first curry I've had since August 2021 (low-residue diet - nee onions!) onto the new carpet I thought I might have to have another chat with my pal Merlin about a future appearance on First Dates... 😂
Remember you can give up or you can get up - choose the latter!Â
See you later
Ps - Shit Happens was the title of the most successful book I ever published, written by the mighty Eileen Wharton it's been re-published in Kindle form HERE so check it out.
Pps - Newcastle are also third in the league - stick ya 'Big6' up ya arse! 😉