A scorching May evening. Vinny looked over to the distance and admired the sunset. The sky was a riot of reds, oranges and purples. He took in a deep lungful of air and immediately regretted it. The Longcroft Estate didn't smell good at the best of times but the little bastards on the estate had taken to burning wheelie bins although melting would perhaps be a better word. Some trend on TikTok apparently. Vinny thought that whatever TikTok was it had a lot to fucking answer for.
In the distance he saw the welcoming site of the Rampant Horse and he picked up his pace. As he stepped over the threshold Dave caught his eye and waggled an empty pint glass. Bastard! Every time he timed it to perfection.
"Evening Ken. A pint of best bitter for me and a double cyanide for the crafty bastard over there."
Ken grunted at him.
Money changed hands.
Vinny plonked himself down in his favourite chair and slid Dave's pint over to him.
"Thank you compadre."
"You're welcome you tight git. Maybe one day Dave, one day in the impossibly distant future you'll have a pint waiting for me but I shall not hold my breath."
"I'm hurt Vinny. I always get you a pint but then I drink it."
Vinny shook his head then sipped his pint and nodded towards the bar.
"I see Ken is in a particularly miserable mood tonight."
"Aye, apparently he's been speaking to the brewery. That always lowers his mood."
"If it's gets any lower it'll be in the bloody cellar."
"Do you think they'll ever replace barmen with robots Vinny?"
"It's an interesting thought Dave. For one thing the conversation would be better than it is with Captain Charm over there. But there are a couple of reasons why it wouldn't work on the Longcroft."
"Go on."
"Firstly the Wi-Fi is too bad."
"True. What's the other reason?"
"The robot would be dismantled and sold for parts to a dozen different fences before it even had time to gather a single layer of dust."
"Not to mention the corrosion from whatever Ken dilutes the pints with."
"I'd like to be able to dispute that!" Yelled Ken from the bar.
Dave and Vinny grinned at one another and sipped their pints. They were cheering him up already.
© Darren Sant 2023
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