Hi all, as you know we paused for a few years as...well...life got in the way but we haven't changed much (older, fatter and balder like!) We still want to bring you the best 'Council Estate Fiction' and give exposure to the type of authors that you'd cross the street to avoid on a dark night at the cheapest possible price.
To that end we're publishing everything on our shiny new Substack site. This is based on a subscription model BUT these are both FREE and paid. The free sub gets you our blog posts, writers tips, some fiction and general life discussions while for £3.50 a month you get access to all of the above and ALL of the fiction (there's loads lined up!) competitions (including free books) and some very special offers. Honestly, it's basically the price of a coffee for what will be at least a book full of short stories on there EVERY MONTH!
So please have a look, tell ya mates and tell us what you think.
Good news! 🎉