The Rampant Horse was a bustling hive of activity. That was until Vinny made an entrance. Then all eyes turned his way. He bent down and unclipped Scrapps lead and everybody gasped. Vinny was wearing a kilt with bugger all underneath. Old Sandra in the corner drinking her snowball nearly fainted when he bent over.
Dave, completely unfazed by anything Vinny does just waved his empty glass at his friend. Vinny got the round in, after receiving a stern telling off from Ken about nudity in public.
"Evening Vinny. That was quite the entrance. Some things cannot be unseen."
Vinny sipped his pint.
"Oh the kilt you mean?"
"Yes, the kilt. I didn't even know you had Scottish blood in your veins."
"I don't."
"Then why the bloody kilt?"
"I came straight from my new girlfriends. She's into roleplaying. I had to be what's his name. Braveheart fella."
"Mel Gibson?"
"No William Wallace."
"Same difference. Did you wield a claymore?"
"I offered but she said one massive weapon was enough for her to handle."
Dave spat out his beer.
"A mental image I did NOT need Vinny."
Vinny grinned and stood up then went to the gents. Two minutes later Lecherous Lee emerged from the gents shaking his head in disbelief.
He remarked to Ken, "Some things you can't unsee."
Vinny came back sat down and sipped his pint.
"So what do you think of Scottish Independence Vin?" Asked Dave.
Vinny thought a moment.
"Can't say I blame them. Those greedy cunts in Westminster should not control the life of Morag in Inverness. I'd go further.'
"I'm for Yorkshire independence too ."
"I'll drink to that!!"
© Darren Sant 2023