Everything is average nowadays...part 592...
The bloke who's just swaggered to the side of the pool in his Speedo's whilst fiddling with his goggles, has a good look round to check out who's checking him out before entering the water, spends fifteen (that's FIFTEEN!) minutes arsing round with his goggles and rolling his neck, does four lengths, stops hangs off side of pool and checks everyone out again, fiddles with goggles, does two lengths, fiddles with goggles, reads signs, rolls neck, fiddles with goggles, does two lengths, fiddles with goggles, stares at clock, hangs off side of pool for a bit, fiddles with goggles, does last two lengths, fiddles with goggles, makes big show of leaping out of pool, rolls neck and stretches by side of pool, unclips his little nose thing, takes off swimming cap, looks disparagingly at me thrashing through the water with the grace of an asthmatic hippo in my knee length 'lad' shorts on my seventieth fucking length and then struts to the showers to sort out his hair before going back to work to tell everyone how fit he is. Wanker.Â