Black grape...and many other drinks!
You know how safari types go on about seeing 'The Big Five' in the animal world? Well it was my birthday last Sunday (yes this is another post about drinking - I'll do some writing ones soon okay?) and I celebrated by going back up to the Toon on the Friday to see Black Grape at The Riverside. That was me getting my 'Big Five' in right there!
Aye, keep ya elephants and that. I observed Oasis in Exeter in '97, Happy Mondays and Inspiral Carpets in the Toon a couple of years back, Stone Roses in Manchester a few years back as well and now it was the turn of the mighty Grape! We started off in the achingly cool-cos-it's-not Free Trade Inn, which is technically in Byker but really is the start of the Quayside (well, if you;re old-school anyway...) and I managed to con a couple of siblings into getting me pints of pale ale for £4.50 a pop! ('£4.50 a pint...this is fucking Byker man...') before heading down the steps in the sunshine to The Tyne bar - some legendary Bank Holiday raves held here back in the day - then more bars, bit of a blur, got in the venue, my round, 'How much are them bottles I've never heard of mate?', 'They're a quid a go', 'mint - I'll have three!...' It really was my birthday. Then Shaun and Kermit hit the stage and I was shouting, jumping and swearing like a fucking good 'un.
It certainly was a 'Big Day in the North' and thanks for all the birthday wishes on Facebook those of you who contacted me - I would have replied personally but my head was up my arse after that and the drive home the next day - still, only twelve months to the next one eh...